Riches Report

The Way We See It


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Second Shift

So, here we are in California enjoying the sunshine and noticing that there are many people like us, self-employed and over 50. We are not unique and yet for many of us, it is a challenge to keep on creating the life that we want to live – as opposed to living a life that we have fallen into.

There is a new generation that is itching to move into the places we vacate, be it jobs, and homes or other positions of learning and authority. Yet, they can't move into these places until we leave them and go on to what is our next step.

I'm calling this next step the 'second shift' – we have had a very big first shift and it's now time to think about the second phase of our life and what it is we want to create.

For me, I'm thinking about the work I want to do – where I can make the biggest difference. How can I use my experience and knowledge to help this next generation find their place in the world? Also, how can I assist the 'Second Shifters' in finding their place and realizing their dreams?

These are the questions that I'm pondering today. I have heard it said that there is a way for each and every one of us to express our gifts, realize financial reward and experience fulfillment in our life. One way is to follow your heart, do what you do naturally well and trust the process of life to take you where you intend to go.


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