Riches Report

The Way We See It


Saturday, January 02, 2010

What is the first step you need to take?

It's January 2nd 2010 and I don't know about you but I'm still feeling a bit like - ok - now what? It's a new year and I'm not a big believer in new years resolutions. The resolution is fine - it's the steps needed to achieve it that seem confusing.

The achievement of goals and dreams starts with small steps. What we often want is for the big resolution to happen without thinking through the obstacles that get in the way.

What is the first step that you you need to take? Think about the goal, the dream the place you want to be this time next year? As you think about that, what is the very next thought that comes to your mind?

It is this 'habit of thought' that needs to be addressed. For a lot of us, the gap between where we are and where we want to be creates feelings of pain and stress. This is normal and an expected part of the process. The discomfort is our way of knowing that there is something more we want with our life. The issue is how to handle these thoughts and feelings while we take the steps we need to take to further our goals.

The first step, then, is to address the thought, the feelings of anxiety or pain. Our attitude comes from our 'habits of thought' and for many of us - that is step one. Create a new habit of thought - one that does empower you to move forward and is optimistic of your eventual success. Affirmations are one way that you can turn around a negative 'habit of thought' and create a new positive attitude that supports your success.

Making your dreams come true in 2010 starts with one small step - are you ready to take that step?


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