Riches Report

The Way We See It


Monday, March 20, 2006

Dreams Do Come True

One charity that I support is 'Dreams Come True' at

'Dreams Come True (established in 1988) is a national charity and our aim is to lift the spirits of terminally and seriously ill children by enabling them to fulfill their most treasured dreams.'

What I really like about this charity is that they do not just want money handed over to them, they want relationships with people and for money to come from fundraising events - not the corporate coffers. If this appeals to you and you would like to become a supporter and partner with the charity, please click on the weblink to get more information.

Another cause that I would like to support, if only by talking about it and letting people know it exists, is The Red Balloon School. This is an alternate school set up by Carrie Herbert in response to a need to protect children who had been bullied. I don't know much about this school or Ms. Herbert, but I do know that bullying is systemic in schools and organisations throughout the UK. It probably happens everywhere else, but England seems to struggle more than most countries with the after affects of this debilitating practice.

From my own experience in schools, I have seen many cases of bullying and seen the effects that it has on children. If you want to know how you can help The Red Balloon School - see their website at

As I mentioned previously, we are either walking towards what we want - being focused and clear on our purpose - or we are running away from what we don't want.

If you want to make a difference, find something that fires you up and makes you feel good and put your heart and soul into it. The net result is that you will make a difference and you'll feel good too.

I think it's important not to feel helpless about how the world is sometimes. Knowing that there is something I can do helps me to feel good about me and the world that I inhabit.


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